
Traveling overseas can be fun. I remember the trips I took during my high school years. Aside from the sights, especially in Greece, the most memorable aspect of the trip was a piece of advice I was given. I don’t remember who gave it, but I was told to barter with the shopkeepers, especially with dollars, rather than paying the listed price. Growing up in America, I was conditioned to check the price and pay it. But during those two escapades, I was surprised at the deals I could find with that practice.

Those simple exchanges brought me back further in my youth, to the days when I’d trade collectables with friends. It’s the same concept, and one I wanted to lean into with the latest micro-fiction centering on Samuel, my bounty hunter.

Come, sit down and allow me to give you a mini-escape and kindle your imagination.


Samuel’s fingers tightened around his LeMat’s grip as his chest swelled. “Why are you refusing to pay the full reward for my bounty?”

The stout and balding man peered at the lump behind Samuel. After a few tense moments, he shook his head. “Unlike common bounties, that fugitive’s papers clearly detail a time limit on his price.”

Samuel pulled a paper from his coat and unfolded it on the counter. Once opened, he dragged a finger across the text. “There’s not one mention of a date, nor is there a warning that a portion of the payment may be withheld if he’s not captured before such a fictitious timeframe.”

The other man plucked the document from Samuel’s grip and tossed it onto the floor.




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