
Ever since I stumbled into NaNoWriMo, I haven’t been able to keep any kind of schedule with this blog. I’ve had the occasional spurts, but it’s never been consistent. Hopefully, over the next couple of weeks, I’ll be able to fall into a semblance of a decent schedule. However, let’s step away from future endeavors and focus on this micro tale. After selecting the various seeds for my Ko-Fi posts, I was eager to delve into a fresh tale featuring Samuel and his dragon Pearl.

With every entry in Samuel’s life, I continue to learn more about his past. When Anna entered his stories, it was obvious from word one that they had an existing relationship. As the stories continued to churn from my fingertips, I was eager to explore that mysterious backstory. Thankfully, this month’s entry in his life allows me to explore a fun aspect of their past.

Come, sit down and allow me to give you a mini-escape and kindle your imagination.


Anna pulled on Bruce’s reins and pointed toward the horizon. “Do you see the tallest mountain in the distance?”

“Why?” Samuel asked as Pearl circled his hovering companion.

Half of Anna’s mouth curled into a smile. “Do you think you and Pearl could beat us to that peak?”


“Really?” Anna wrapped the leather straps around her hands as her legs squeezed Bruce’s neck. “Care to make it interesting?”

As Pearl glided behind Bruce, Samuel licked his lips. “Our regular bet?”

“What else?”




To continue reading click here and buy me a Croissant .