Breaking Serenity

The moment I finished Crashing and Glittering Water, I turned my attention to the last story for November, a piece of historical fiction. Thankfully, my mind summoned Samuel and his dragon. While I possessed the perfect character to fill this tale, I couldn’t think of a story to explore his character. So once more I summoned the story cubes and tossed them. Given that I was staring at a story placed squarely in the old west, I didn’t know how to square the setting with all the results, a plane, a skydiver, and a fountain...

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Flash Fiction

Glittering Water

With Crashing finished, I turned my dwindling time to the next genre selected by my patrons, a fairy tale. Despite my brain working on other projects, I couldn’t pry a story from my mind, so I reached for my story dice. After tossing three of them, I stared at the results and wondered how I’d weave a crescent moon, an eye, and a monster attached to someone together. Initially, I thought this combination would stifle my creativity. However, when I walked away from the keyboard, the skeleton of a story emerged from the depths of my imagination...

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Flash Fiction


First, I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving, filled with family, friends, and great food. While the holiday zapped a chunk of my time, other projects have also been leaching my time away from me. Hopefully, I’ll be able to bring those projects to everyone sooner rather than later. Though even if those stories never see the light of day, they weighed upon me until I sat down and allowed them to flow through my fingers. However, I’m dedicated to never missing a month for my patrons, so as the end of November loomed over me, I rolled up my sleeves and started crafting my patron’s science fiction tale...

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Flash Fiction


First, may everyone have a happy and safe Halloween. May everyone of all ages find joys in the day. After finishing Weighing Paths and Repercussions, I let my imagination go wild with the last story for October, a mystery. Despite Halloween looming over me, I steered this who done it away from the supernatural, and instead steered into Perry Mason for inspiration. When I look back on the time I spent with my father, some of the more memorable times, we didn’t share a single word, though I have plenty of those memories. Rather, sometimes, sitting together and enjoying a good story does more for a relationship than any words are capable of doing. So, when I found out that Paramount+ has all of Perry Mason available to stream, I started binging the show...

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Flash Fiction


With Weighing Paths completed, I was able to dedicate my mind to the next story my patrons selected, a ghost story. While I’ve been eager to explore the relationship between Marcus and Benjamin, I wanted to go back to my roots with the genre. Way back when, I crafted Journey of Thanks off a prompt provided to me by my wife. While she gave me a more structured prompt than I was looking for, the resulting tale was one of my father’s favorites. With that story firmly entrenched in my mind, I’m going to return to that style of ghost story and try to catch some of that same magic with this tale...

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Flash Fiction

Weighing Paths

As another month winds down to a close, I’m eager to bring my latest tale to my patrons. When I pulled this month’s poll, I toiled with the concepts for a drama. Despite having a plethora of tales circling about my mind, sometimes it’s a little difficult narrowing down the cacophony to a single storyline. However, the moment I narrowed my options, the rough idea of a tale swelled to the forefront. This month I’ll focus on a little sibling drama, specifically Tiatha’s relationship with Leodor...

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Flash Fiction


The moment I finished writing both Barriers and Merchant, I turned my attention to my patron’s final story for the month, a thriller. Whenever I think about thrillers, one of the first ones I think of is Phone Booth. It’s a wonderful psychological thriller that leverages a mysterious antagonist, who manipulates and controls the protagonist, Stuart Shepard. Every scene leans into the anonymous phone call to drive every aspect of the plot...

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Flash Fiction


When I finished writing Barriers, my mind shifted to focus on the second story for my patrons, a Science Fiction tale. Unlike Barriers and the Thriller, I didn’t have a single clue where to take this story. The only thing that I knew was that I wanted to focus on the Drifter and her crew. So, with the cast selected and my imagination freed up, I turned my attention to my patrons’ next tale...

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Flash Fiction


Every year I’m convinced that it’ll be the one where I get all the writing I want to do done. Unfortunately, my day job and other responsibilities pull me away from what I love, and I find myself staring at the deadline for the month. However, that looming deadline does wonders to spark my imagination. When I pulled the results of my genre poll for September, my mind started wading through potential storylines. Eventually, I settled on blending some fantasy elements with the first genre, an Action/Adventure...

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Flash Fiction


The moment I finished Banter and Replenished Defenses, my mind churned, seeking the baseline for a potential mystery to give Mr. Rickman. While I’m placing pieces to have my master thief battle my implacable investigator, the underlining story isn’t ready to pluck from the depths of my mind. So in the meantime, I’m chipping away at their broader world. As potential storylines emerged from the murky shadows, a couple pieces of inspiration crept to the surface...

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Flash Fiction

Replenished Defenses

With Banter finished, my attention shifted to the second story for August, a fantasy. From the moment I pulled the genre poll results, different ideas floated through my mind. However, with the end of the month looming over me, I decided to blend my fantasy tale with some historical facts. Instantly, Samuel’s story erupted from the depths of my imagination. Fresh off of using all his enchantments to fend off Jameson’s family, Samuel returns to New York city to leverage his friend’s magical expertise...

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Flash Fiction


As work, classes, and the rest of life pile up, sometimes it is difficult to find the time to write. While numerous stories are floating through my mind, most of them keep getting shelved in favor of the stories I own my patrons. Up first this month is a drama. Thankfully, I had the perfect tale ready to go. In the last few months, stories surrounding Kyle Rickman and Jessica Calhoun created a perfect opportunity to have them officially cross paths...

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Flash Fiction

Art Roundup, week of August 27

As we continued to wander through the habitats of Mill Mountian Zoo, each of the sights and animals were wonderful to see. Head over to your favorite image and comment on its DeviantArt page...

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Art Roundup, week of August 20th

As we continued to wander through the habitats of Mill Mountian Zoo, each of the sights and animals were wonderful to see. Head over to your favorite image and comment on its DeviantArt page...

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Art Roundup, week of August 13th

As we continued to wander through the habitats of Mill Mountian Zoo, each of the sights and animals were wonderful to see. Head over to your favorite image and comment on its DeviantArt page...

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