Hunting Outlaws

First, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Easter. May you all have a wonderful day filled with family, friends, and joy. When I finished penning both Evading Pursuit and Hidden Theft, I turned my attention to the final story for the month, a historical fiction. Aside from knowing who would feature in this tale, everything else was eluding me. Which meant I sat down and stared at my laptop’s screen as I sifted through various potential ideas, instantly dismissing the vast majority of them...

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Flash Fiction

Art Roundup, week of March 25th

As I completed a small series of what I assume were geese, I turned to another short series. This time instead of following some waddeling avians, I’m kicking off a series of Azaleas. These bushes have a special place in my heart. Every time I see the flowering plants, I’m transported back to my childhood home. Unfortunately, the flowers don’t last all that long, so I was still lucky to grab these images...

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Hidden Theft

Upon completion of Evading Pursuit, I turned my attention to the second story for my patrons, a crime caper. While I enjoy exploring crime with Jessica, I wanted to twist the formula this time. So, instead of following her actions, I’m blending this tale with a hint of a mystery. As a result, I’m tapping Kyle Rickman to oversee Jessica’s criminal act...

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Flash Fiction

Evading Pursuit

With less than a week till Easter, I’m glad to publish the first piece of flash fiction to my patrons. While it’s a little later than I would have liked, I did better this month than I have since January, which is a good thing. Eventually, I’ll fall into the cadence I’d like to maintain. But for the time being, I’m excited to publish the Action/Adventure that my patrons wanted...

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Flash Fiction

Art Roundup, week of March 18th

As I continue highlighting nature’s beauty, I have a few candid shots to share. While the first two are snapshots of a local flowering tree, I’m not well versed enough to peg the actual type, but that lack of knowledge doesn’t diminish the flowers’ beauty. And sometimes there are moments when wildlife obliges you, mostly. When they come, you have to capture them...

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Art Roundup, week of March 11th

The common theme from last week’s posts on DeviantArt revolve around a vine that bloomed in my neighboorhood last year. While on a walk I found a slew of hanging plants complete with vibrant colored petals. There’s also a fresh image to my Premium gallery, featuring all the dogs I can find and photograph...

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Art Roundup, week of March 4th

Last week, the images I posted revolved around a few snapshots in my life. While none of these moments were earth shattering for my life, they were all moments that teased a smile out of me. Also, each of these images started out as photos captured with a camera phone. When I thumbed through my catalogue of photos, these popped, captivating my imagination and desire to transform them into watercolors. Hopefully, these will bring a smile to your face, as they do when I study them...

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Art Roundup, week of February 26th

As the series from the aquarium rounds to a close, I turned to some photographs from my past. While one is anchored in my childhood, it was taken relatively recently. While the other was captured on an old commute a few jobs back. While neither of those shots was taken in the heart of nature, they exemplify the result of curating our environment in order to bring nature’s beauty to our everyday world...

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For a long time, I’ve always enjoyed creating stories. Even back in my youth, I vividly remember hopping on my bicycle and heading into the neighborhood for a spot behind a hill with a small notebook to jot my thought down. While I’ve long since lost those ramblings, that practice of secluding myself away to take craft a narrative is still a strong desire for me. However, instead of sitting on the back of a hill, these days, I’ll look for inspiration everywhere, including DeviantArt...

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Flash Fiction

Pleasant Evening

With the completion of Dubious Meeting and Inquiries finished, I turned my attention to the final story for my patrons, a science fiction tale. With a rough idea of the characters I wanted to leverage, I needed something more so I reached for my newest set of story cubes and gave them a toss. When the stopped moving, I was greeted by an old lady with a can, a fantasy potion, and a brew. Though I had some prompts to weave into the tale the narrative refused to unfurl from the depths of my mind. However, as I thumbed through some of the Drifter’s stories and found Misty Invaders. After re-reading it, the freed story tumbled out...

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Flash Fiction


Upon the completion of Dubious Meeting, I turned my attention to the second piece of flash fiction for my patrons, a ghost story. While it took me some time to figure out which ghost would take center stage, once I figured that out, I knew what the rough story line would be. Back in Inquiry Marcus found a clue to Benjamin’s murder. Granted, I’ve told a few stories focusing on this pair since then, but I wanted to revisit the clue and what it means for the partners...

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Flash Fiction

Dubious Meeting

As the month dwindles away, it seems that February’s extra day is as useless as it always is. There simply isn’t enough time in the day for all the irons I have in the fire. While I have kept up with the artwork roundup posts, I’ve simply run out of time for publishing, continuing my ongoing stories over at Wattpad and the micro tales I want to publish over at Ko-fi. However, as always, I do not forget my patrons. So, as the end of this elongated month looms over me, I pushed my other projects to the side and crafted my first story for February...

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Flash Fiction

Art Roundup, week of February 19th

As I continued exploring the aquarium, new facets of the exhibit brought wonderful sights. Despite not being able to rememebr the details of the trip, each image of this series teased a fresh smile at the sight of the collection of fish weaving through the coral. I hope you enjoy the collection of colorful fish exploring their currated home...

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Art Roundup, week of February 12th

As my series of sunset photographs taken from behind my home comes to a close, I’m turning to another series of photographs, though this one comes from August 6th, 2011. While I don’t fully remember how I ended up at an aquarium with the opportunity to watch a collection of fish explore their artificial home. I wish my memory of the trip was crystal clear, but unfortunately all I have to lean on is the upcoming series of history. I hope you enjoy the trip through an underwater world...

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How Much Detail is too Much?

How much detail is too much? In a world where people compare the grainy footage of the nineteen eighties to what flows through their home television today, this might seem like a ludicrous question. However, given the constant push for hyper realism in media, especially with those heightened resolutions, I consider this to be a pertinent question to think about. The argument for pushing all those details is for greater immersion in the story. However, as the days go by, I realize that this is a crutch that should be abandoned by storytellers...

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