Escaping Devastation

Rylan opened his eyes and saw the pale green sky of Tergara. He always closed his eyes when he traveled to new worlds by the platforms. He never knew why he was so compelled, but he enjoyed the wondrous experience of seeing one world one moment than seeing the new world in the next moment. This particular trip was going to be a short one, he just needed to perform a little maintenance on the platform.

He looked around and saw Jalvi. “Hello Jalvi, what’s the local time?”

“You know this exchange gets tiresome Rylan.” The gruff woman said before she looked at the clock on the wall above her. “It’s the beginning of the day. You know I only work mornings.”

Escaping Devastation

Rlyan enjoyed the banter and replied, “Can you turn the platform off?”

“Sure there’s no one scheduled to come in till later on in the day.”

Rylan stayed right where he was and waited for Jalvi to disengage the platform. It took a couple of moments, but the slight hum that was usually always present began to die away as the lights spilling out from under the platform started to dim. Once the platform was powered off, he climbed back on the platform and went to the hatch in the middle and quickly opened it.

He reached into the opened door and placed his hands around the platform’s core interface. He twisted the interface until he could lift it out of the platform. With the core in hand, he walked off of the platform and placed it down next to Jalvi’s desk.

“You know I get nervous every time you disconnect the thing.”

With a stunned expression, Rylan looked down at her and asked, “Why? Techs like me do this with every platform everytime we need to do any maintenance. Its the only way to keep it from being connected to during an update which would be catastrophic.”

“I understand the reasoning behind why you do it, but it doesn’t change the fact that I get nervous when you disconnect it.” She replied her voice still gruff and stiff.




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