With the Captain curtailing the rights of his crew, Rylan searches for a way to keep his team safe. He reaches back to his roots as a technician, and attempts to retrieve the information from the salvaged data assembly. And because he refuses to diminish their ultimate survival, he keeps most of his decisions from his lieutenants. Will he be able to recover the data from the assembly? Will his people turn on him because of his desire to protect his secrets?
While Rylan’s fingers flew across the shuttle’s console, a loud clang rang out from behind him. He jumped up and whipped his head around, catching sight of Darvan. With a sigh, the technician wiped his brow. “Did you have to drop that?”
“Sorry, boss,” Darvan answered. He leaned over to recover it, asking, “Did you want me to pick it up?”
Rylan waved his hands. “No, you’re fine. Locate Annabelle and escort her here.”
“Is she still in her quarters?”
“While the captain eased that restriction, she tends to stay there most of the time.” Rylan grabbed a tool and hunched back over the console. “Once you two return, resume working on the emergency protocols.”
“Sure thing,” the large man answered.
When the door slid shut, Rylan rose, and headed over to the equipment Darvan deposited. He kneeled at the data storage system and opened the control panel. Rylan pulled a diagnostic tool from his sling and connected it to the assembly. He flicked the power switch and waited for the assembly to activate. Once it booted up, he activated the diagnostic tool and drummed his finger on the assembly while he waited for it to connect. But his tool stubbornly refused to establish a connection, and without thinking, he whacked it.
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