
With Choices and Check Up having been published, I turned my attention to the last story for the month of July, my Political Satire. I scrubbed through the headlines, searching for an appropriate article to serve as the basis of my tale. After browsing the headlines on a bunch of sites, I focused on the arguments about the upcoming stimulus package that’s being discussed in Congress. With that nugget tucked into my brain, I thought about the story to tell.

After a little thought, I realized that Mounting Tensions offered me a perfect place to insert this brief story. Decision made, the story flooded into my mind and my fingers worked furiously to capture the broad outline that was spilling out from my mind. Thankfully, my fingers proved up to the task, and the narrative took hold and blossomed into a full first draft. With a little more time, I completed the story of two friends dealing with the hardship of a world where three quarters of the population has been forcibly resettled to other planets. Grab a chair, get comfortable, and explore these two friends, discuss their current events as they search for a meal.


“Have you gotten your stimulus deposit?”

Wilson dropped his head into his right hand and sighed. He shifted a few pads littering his desk, grabbed the one on the bottom, and brandished it. “The government’s handout made its way into my account, not that it’ll help all that much.”

“I’m hungry, and you were supposed to meet me at Sal’s Diner.” Jacob closed the door and dashed to the chair next to Wilson, plopping into it as he seized the pad. He looked at the deposit and grinned. Dropping the tablet, he leaned back and stared up at the ceiling. “How can you be so miserable after getting that amount of money? What are you planning on doing with that government handout?”

Wilson lifted a finger and twirled it over his head as he slumped into his chair.

“There’s no pleasing you, is there?”

“Oh, I’m a simple man to please.” Wilson pushed himself away from his desk and laced his fingers in his lap. “If Liam hadn’t pressed for that senseless resettlement program, then we wouldn’t have needed that stupid handout…




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