
Despite life attempting to throw up blockades, I’m determined to continue writing. So fresh off the heels of finishing Unwanted Answers, I turned my focus to the second exclusive for my patrons, a Fantasy. While Journeys details Darren Gilbert’s life, my patrons have gotten a picture of the character after his time in the Academy. With each entry in Darren’s life, his world has come into greater focus, but the world is still far from complete. As a result, I need to step away from my favorite grumpy wizard to flesh out his wider world.

While I knew whose life I was going to explore, I couldn’t think of a story to suit him. After spinning my wheels for a couple days, I leapt to NYC Midnight and mined one of their fantasy prompts. With the place and object in mind, I headed over to Pexels and tore through the stock photos there looking for a wooden rope swing. Once I found one, I liked the story exploded into my mind. Every time the story iterated in my mind, the tale changed radically. Thankfully, I was ecstatic with the final narrative. Sit down and get comfortable as we follow Wendell’s negotiation with a trader.

Follow Wendell as he seeks to acquire goods from an old acquaintance. Will Wendell get the merchandise from the trader…


The man tugged his cloak tightly about his neck as he shuffled in place, “Old man, I have places to be.”

“Your aware my name’s Saul,” the wizened merchant said, rolling his eyes. Pulling a hand off the bowl, Saul jabbed the younger man’s chest. “Wendell, if you don’t start addressing me by my name, then I’ll start calling you runt.”

Wendell drew his lips across his teeth as he peeled Saul’s fingers off him, “You need to learn how to relax.”

Saul proffered the dish back to Wendell, “And you’re welcome to find another merchant to buy your trinkets.”

“I wasn’t trying to insult you.” Wendell shoved the bowl into Saul’s chest. “However, if you don’t appreciate being called an old man, maybe you shouldn’t encourage the comparison.” Wendell tapped the container’s lip. “Now, if only we can agree to its worth.”

With a curt nod, Saul pulled the basin closer to his eyes as he spun it around. After his examination, Saul placed it next to his ear and rapped the bottom with his knuckles. A smile wormed its way onto Saul’s face as the wizened merchant laid the container on his table. Saul pressed the side of the dish against the surface, licking his lips. When he removed his hand, the bowl rolled back into place.




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