Confronted with two problems, Jarvis presses his top engineer to stop trying to repair the engines and replicate the plasma cannons to aid in the ship’s defense. He originally presented her with a two-day deadline, but when he pressed her for an update, Cecile threatened to skin him if he didn’t stop bothering her. Over the next few days, Jarvis discreetly checks on her progress. After five days without an update, and the original weapon scattered about a workbench, in the engine room, Jarvis decides to confront her. Will she have good news? Or has she been ignoring Jarvis to avoid reporting her failure?
Jarvis sauntered into the laboratory and leaned against the doorframe. He stood there, studying the abandoned and exposed innards of the plasma cannon. Jarvis folded his arms across his chest and cleared his throat. “Cecile, how’s your work progressing?”
A curse echoed off the walls, and as silence raced to refill the space, Cecile’s head crested the workbench. “You weren’t supposed to bother me for a couple days while I performed my diagnostics.”
“That’s why you got five.”
“Has it truly been that long?”
Jarvis nodded as he retrieved an implement off the deck. “Based on where you are, I’ll assume you’re poking at my engine.”
Cecile snatched the tool from Jarvis, returning to the opening. “I’m following your standing orders to get this bucket off the ground.”
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