As September marches to a close, I’m excited about my growth as an artist. With each of Ramas’s stories written and line art created, his character gets more fleshed out. There are two aspects of this exciting new character that define him. The first is Ramas’s staff, that he conjures whenever he needs a weapon or an aide. The other is his mode of transportation, an earthen palanquin. Over the last two weeks, my patrons and watchers were presented with an image of Ramas using his palanquin. Outside of the watcher only images of Ramas, I’m excited to share Sea Monster 001 and Seeping Blue Magic.
The other day I spoke with someone about the merits of imagination. Nothing captures that power like teasing an image from a chaotic blob. That is the reason I constantly reach to the liquification tool throughout my digital art platforms. Sea Monster 001 is a perfect example of imposing my will on an unorganized mass of lines. With the careful application of shading and highlighting, I transferred the creature from my imagination to the digital world. Once secured, I turned my attention to my monster’s surroundings.
Seeping Blue Magic is yet another example of how to tease order from chaos. There isn’t a single source of inspiration for this image, because I’ve run into multiple examples of magic coalescing into a liquid. However, once I crafted the magic oozing out, I needed to drop it onto a cracked surface. With a bit of work, I created the marble surface and texture.
Hunker down in your chair and enjoy the artwork below. As always, if you want a better look click a picture to head over to my DeviantArt gallery and consider buying a print.