There is great truth in the beauty of simplicity. Throughout my life, I’ve only received one massage. It was a fantastic experience that I would like to duplicate given the right opportunity and means. However, it wasn’t the most relaxing thing I’ve done in my life. Those belong to the simplest of things, like skipping or throwing stones. Once you’ve collected your ammunition, there is something invigorating in the simple motion of flinging rocks. Unfortunately, just because something is relaxing doesn’t mean it can’t weigh you down.
Which is why I leaned into that contradiction once I pulled the prompt for this micro tale. That said, the story would be rather dull if I focused the entire storyline on throwing a rock. As a result, I wove a repeated story through mine. From the get-go, my protagonist is forced to help his foolish friend.
Come, sit down and allow me to give you a mini-escape and kindle your imagination.
A thick-necked man’s head twisted over his shoulder as he pressed his friend to the ground. “Justin, why is someone chasing us with a gun?”
With a scoff, the lithe man rolled free of his friend’s grasp and popped to his knees as he peered past the boulder. “William, it’s a little offensive for you to assume I’m responsible for this aggression.”
William entwined his thick fingers with Justin’s jacket and dragged him to the earth.
William’s grip tightened as he slammed his friend against the massive stone. “Given your colorful history with strangers, this isn’t a wild assumption.”
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