Final Act

Just before Independence Day, I sat down in front of my laptop and poked through a collection of past prompts from NYC Midnight. After a few minutes of deliberation, I selected the genres for July’s Micro Fiction. Ultimately, I leaned into a random number generator for the selection, and up first was a Comedy. However, with my recent work with Crime Capers, blending the two was an easy decision. However, when the prompt called for centering on massaging, I didn’t know what to do at first.

Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler…

Two points if you can name that movie.

There are times when inspiration strikes out of nowhere. And this tale certainly falls into that category. As I spin a tale inspired from the source of that quote, come, sit down and allow me to give you a mini-escape and kindle your imagination.

Final Act

The wiry woman’s head whipped over a shoulder as her fingers wrung together. “Darryl, are you sure this will work?”

The hefty man collected her hands, offering a lopsided grin. “Celest, we’ve done this before.”

“A few bucks here and there is one thing.” She bent over Darryl’s monitor, thumping its edge. “However, you’re talking about transferring a sizable chunk of the company’s funds to several offshore accounts.”

“Exactly,” Darryl said, standing up. “With all the previous transactions, dipping into the account and massaging the bits is easy. With my experience, I’m an expert.”

Celest moistened her lips as her furtive eyes whirled around the room. “With the amount you’re talking about, they won’t stop looking for the thief.”

Darryl’s finger twitched back and forth like a metronome.




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