Sending Request

With my Thanksgiving turkey brining away, I need to take a step back and breathe deeply. Despite life reigning its craziness down upon me, I’m plugging away with my work, both my day job and my writing. Thankfully, I was able to spend the weekend and recoup a portion of the time I lost for the NaNoWriMo challenge, though it’s too soon to tell if I’ll be able to make up the lost ground. All that said, when I carved out some time to create this piece of Micro Fiction, I was eager to return to the world of Wanderings.

While I have hinted at Ramas’ abilities, I’ve kept the details close to my chest. Thankfully, the Micro Fiction writing format has allowed me to explore a sliver of a topic that I never planned on delving into. While I’m still not introducing Emilie, this story flexes some of her more interesting skills.

Come, sit down and allow me to give you a mini-escape and kindle your imagination.

Sending Request

“Hagar, what are you doing here? I didn’t call for you.”

The thin man inched closer, rubbing his neck. “Someone gave em a message for you.”

“I wasn’t expecting a response from anyone.” Ramas removed his helm as his neck craned towards his personal messenger. The stick clutched in his other hand vanished as he rose and grasped Hagar’s upper arm. “Who ordered you to deliver a missive to me?”

The messenger’s gaze fell as he squirmed against Ramas’ grasp. After the futile struggle, Hagar’s shoulders slumped. “I’m not sure how Emilie located me.”

Ramas’ breath rushed out as his grasp loosened. “It’s one of Emilie’s better skills. What’s her message?”

“She wants a meeting.”




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