
There is something special about meandering along a forest trail. The way the branches sway in the wind, how the sunlight pierces through the canopy, and to the rocks protruding from the ground. The simple beauty of those landscapes is a remarkable thing. In fact, I’ve recently grabbed my camera and marched through a couple of trails near my house to catalogue the beauty despite the season. With each picture captured, the connection between nature and Tiatha coalesced.

After having educated her students and the Academy’s professors, Tiatha’s brother gave her a private rebuke, but Volodar wasn’t satisfied with the results. After a long day, Tiatha creates a portal to her home in the wilderness, and the impugned instructor follows her through the mafic gateway.

Come, sit down and allow me to give you a mini-escape and kindle your imagination.


As the glow from Tiatha’s portal vanished, she stared into the forest’s depths as she halted. “Volodar, is this course of action wise?”

“You insulted me.”

The lithe woman shook her head as a sigh escaped her lips. “Only ignorance considers education to be insulting.”

Volodar grasped Tiatha’s arm and whirled her about. “You’ll pay for humiliating me.”

“You pompous fool.” Taitha’s right index finger ran up the teacher’s forearm, coming to a stop once it hovered over Volodar’s heart. “The rest of the Academy didn’t object to the lesson.”

Volodar’s free hand curled into a fist as his brow furrowed. “The other professors aren’t willing to cross Leodar.”




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