Art Roundup, week of July 2nd

With life propelling me one hundred miles an hour, trips to unplug and renew are essential. Unfortunately, I can fall into a groove, and I lose track of how burdened I become with each day. Thankfully, my wife kept dropping hints she wanted to unwind. Eventually, I picked up on her subtle statements and admitted that a break in our hectic lives would be a wonderful thing. As a result, we started looking for destinations to visit, and after a brief search we found a beautiful cottage through Airbnb in Roanoke, VA. By the end of our vacation, not only were we rejuvenated, I had plenty of pictures to bring to the world. If you see any images here that aren’t available on Natural Desygns or SM Desygns reach out to me through the Etsy store and I’ll add the image to the correct store. In the meantime, click any of the images to head over to DeviantArt to get a better look.

Flowers 003

The flowers in this section of the planter were bunched together and reminded me of a group of people bursting with joy as they gather about something. I won’t rob your imaginations of the opportunity to create your own object that’s captivating their attention, by detailing what I see beneath their gazes. However, just picture something you love resting on the beam of wood and watch the collection of buds glow.

A little while back, my wife and I needed to take a step back and allow our minds to rejuvenate. As a result, we went searching for destinations and came up with a small cabin up in the Roanoke mountains. After pulling in, we unloaded our car and settled into the Airbnb. The next day, between seeing the local sights, I wandered about the neighboring trails with my camera and started collecting memories of the surrounding mountainside.

As I started down the trail, I saw a collection of small yellow flowers poking through some bramble. The way theses flowers thread the bare branches was captivating and made me think of gold nuggets hanging from the foliage.

Golden Drops

Staking Tree

A few minutes farther down the trail, I found this evergreen shooting up from amid the rest of the bare trees. This sign of life amidst the slumbering trees was a reminder of nature’s enduring cycle. With the memory firmly captured, I stood there beneath the tree as my mind pictured a giant planting a fresh sapling into a barren land.

After emerging from the trail, I followed the road until I found a view of the distant mountains through the leafless trees. The magnificent sight froze my legs while my lungs drew in the crisp, cool air. Hopefully, this view will captivate your mind and whisk you to a wonderful place, easing the stress off your shoulders.

Distant Peaks