
Upon the completion of Wanderer, I turned my attention to the second tale for July, a Drama. There are times, not all the time, when I have a compulsion to use specific characters for multiple prompts for a given month. Sometimes I don’t know what connection will be when I start, though they typically are connected in some way. While I knew I wanted to delve into a second story revolving around Darren Gilbert, I didn’t know what that was going to be until I sat down to sketch both Wanderer and this tale out. Fortunately, I it didn’t take me long to find the connection, someone from my wizard’s past, Leodor Sultasar.

For those who want to delve deeper into this connection, check out Journeys. But the high level is that in their world Leodor is the headmaster of a highly secret and specialized school, known as the Academy.

Seek out your favorite chair and let’s witness the interaction between Darren and Leodor.

Shortly after their reunion, Leodor invites himself into Darren’s home and forces a conversation that neither ever expected to have…


Leodor glided into Darren’s home, coming to a stop in front of a large bookcase. After perusing a few of the leather-bound tomes, the headmaster turned toward the open doorway. “Darren, aren’t you planning on joining me for this conversation?”

“This is my home,” Darren said, slamming the heavy door. As the resounding thud dwindled, he marched across the room and spun Leodor about. Before the elderly man could respond, Darren’s fingers dug into the headmaster’s arms. “You can’t just enter without my permission, simply because Tiatha created.”

“How did you know her name?”

“When the house recognized me as a kindred spirit, she introduced herself.” As Darren pulled Leodor closer, his sinister smile widened. “Tiatha’s image stated you wanted her to destroy this marvel. How’d you know it existed, or that someone was using it?”

“I didn’t,” Leodor said as an azure wave slammed into Darren, disentangling them. Leodor brushed the wrinkles out of his jacket and inclined his head. “However, I’m not surprised she didn’t honor the request. Ultimately, the hunter led me here, and your exit illuminated the home’s fate.”

Leodor pointed past Darren as his lips curled into a disarming smile. “And the lock didn’t require your consent. Though there’re more important topics to discuss?”




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