While I couldn’t tell you when I picked up this book (not without checking my Amazon account), I also wouldn’t be able to explain why. Though the cynical side of my memory assumes I leaned on the cover and the $.99 price tag. Unfortunately, it sat on my digital bookshelf for more than a dozen years. And once again, I’m not sure why I gave this book a second glance, yet I’m glad I did, since I paired the Kindle edition with its Audible one.
As I listened to the opening scene, I remembered reading it once before. I assumed it was back in 2011 when I bought it. That said, I don’t remember why I stopped. But instead of trying to analyze my past-self, I noted the duplication and continued to read the story. I’m unsure whether the written word’s impact or the narrator’s captivating voice held more sway. But in the end, it doesn’t matter. By the time I reached the end of the prologue, I was hooked and eager to finish the story.
Despite my past-self having issues with the prologue, it does wonders setting the stage for the story. While each thought created a section of the tapestry, it also sparked more questions that needed answers. Fortunately, with each page, those answers came, in addition to planting new seeds. Even though the initial pages pledged to bring us magic, Mordecai (whose father was a powerful mage) is ignorant of that heritage. Which means as the author weaves magic into the story, we’re given the ability to learn with Mordecai every step of the way. Besides providing us with an insight into Mordecai’s intelligence and his quick wit, at least with magic.
After our introduction to Mordecai, the author quickly introduces us to the other people who are important to him. Even with the rapid-fire introductions, the author does a fantastic job, developing each of these characters and making us care about them. Granted, everything we care about stems from Mordecai’s point of view, but that simply amplifies the attachment we have to them, borrowed as it is from Mordecai.
The last major aspect of Mordecai’s personality that I’d like to mention is the man’s insatiable curiosity. Normally, I’d dismiss the trait as something every good protagonist should have, but in this case, it is one of the primary drivers of the story. This is an excellent story filled with wonderful characters who pull you into their lives, and I look forward to delving into the next installment.