
When you hear about the gargoyles, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For most, I would assume it’s the monsters that adorn historical churches, like Notre-Dame. These monsters also pop up in fiction sometimes too, where they have a somewhat eclectic set of definitions. Despite running into these creatures a few times back in my D&D days, this Disney cartoon did a lot to define these creatures. They are Gargoyles.

For those who’ve never seen it, you’re missing out on something special. Whatever you do, don’t assume you know what’s going on simply because Disney created this show. These creatures don’t share little with the gargoyles from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, despite being introduced after the show’s debut.

While both had stone faces, the television show brought something unique to the mythos. Here, the gargoyles are:

“…It was a time of darkness. It was a world of fear. It was the age of Gargoyles. Stone by day, warriors by night…”

Gargoyles First Season

Now that’s simply a snippet of the show’s epic theme song, but it gives you the high level view of its tone. Taking a step back, I’ll highlight a rough overview of the series. The titular creatures were betrayed by their allies and in the battle’s aftermath were cursed to never wake up. As with most curses, there is a way to break it and after a thousand years, someone with ingenuity and money took the steps necessary to revive these creatures.

Thrust into a new world, the remaining members of the clan find themselves with a new home to protect New York City. When the introductory phase of the show finished, we’re treated to a carousel of episodes that highlight the growth and development of these wonderful and noble warriors. As with any series of stories, there are ones that are lacking, fortunately they are few and far between in the first two seasons. And even with the less than appealing installments, typically they laid important groundwork for use later in the show.

For those lucky enough to have Disney plus, you have access to this series in its entirety. However, if you don’t have access to that service, you can purchase them digitally through Amazon Video or buy them on DVD/Blu-ray. But no matter how you gain access to the show, there’s plenty inside the first two seasons to sink your teeth into and enjoy. And depending on your knowledge of some other shows, you’ll probably recognize certain members of the cast.