Art Roundup, week of January 26th

While it’s been a while since I’ve posted my artwork here, I’ve been taking plenty of photos to be converted into watercolor pieces of art. I’ve just not had enough time to weave that into my day. I believe a part of that is because I was trying to post too much of my work. As a result, I’m backpedaling the amount of artwork I post by half. In order to achieve that goal, one week I’ll post two photos, then three the next week. So for this week, join me as we explore a blooming tree from my neighborhood.If you see any images here that aren’t available on Natural Desygns or SM Desygns reach out to me through the Etsy store and I’ll add the image to the correct store. In the meantime, click any of the images to head over to DeviantArt to get a better look.

Blooming Tree 003

There is something special when you see a tree adorned with blooming flowers. Aside from being a beautiful sight, its a sign of new life and renewal. While as an adult I love the sight my mind, flashes back to when I was younger and a tree was simply something for me to climb. In my youth I never stopped to appreciate what I was seeing, just an obstacle to overcome or a goal to achieve, take your pick. Thankfully, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate the beauty inherent in trees, especially flowering ones, like the one above. Despite this tree only being a couple of houses away, I rarely stopped to appreciate its beauty. However, now that I have, I expect to appreciate the free view as long as I can.

While looking up through the tree’s branches was a beautiful sight, a slight change in perspective presented me with another wonderful view. This time, instead of staring through its canopy, I saw the tree’s trunk, or rather trunks. And perched upon this substantial foundation, the tree’s long branches provided a gorgeous canopy for people to seek a reprieve from the sun’s beating rays. Of course, these flowering trees don’t have a long time to shine, and for the eagle-eyed viewers, you’ll notice that several of the pinkish petals adorned the ground, having escaped from the tree. So take a few moments and enjoy this beautiful sight.

Blooming Tree 004