The last I explored the people in the Academy’s past, my attention lingered on a duel between a pair of students. When I finished penning that tale, I didn’t plan on returning to these particular characters. However, as I sat down to plan my Micro Fiction for July, I used Google to generate some random genres, and one of them was a Romantic Comedy. As I looked through my writing journals to match up a storyline to the selected prompts, I stumbled upon Dueling Students.
After re-reading a story planned as a one-off, I realized it was a perfect starting point for a greater supply of characters to explore. Instantly, my mind churned to work the loser of the previous duel into this Romantic Comedy. As I wondered how to work Aiden into this narrative, my mind crafted what I feel is the prototypical popular girl. After multiple iterations, I ended up with a storyline that emphasized both romantic and comedic traits.
Come, sit down and allow me to give you a mini-escape and kindle your imagination.
“You’re sure, Ramona’s in your room.”
The lithe woman spun, punching Aiden’s stomach. As he doubled over, the halfling stepped forward, cupping her fingers around his chin. “When I left, she was watering her collection of plants.” As she kept her eyes on Aiden, she threw the door open. “Ramona, you have a visitor.”
“Liddia, who’s calling this time?”
With a smirk, Liddia waved and dashed down the corridor.
As the footfalls vanished, Ramona’s head popped through the opening. “Aiden, what can I do for you?”
“I…” Aiden tugged his collar as his eyes frantically danced about. “Would…”
Ramona laid her watering can down and stepped into the hallway, gesturing toward the swinging door. “Were you planning on getting help from Liddia?”
Aiden’s tongue raced across his lips as he nodded.
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