
As work, classes, and the rest of life pile up, sometimes it is difficult to find the time to write. While numerous stories are floating through my mind, most of them keep getting shelved in favor of the stories I own my patrons. Up first this month is a drama. Thankfully, I had the perfect tale ready to go. In the last few months, stories surrounding Kyle Rickman and Jessica Calhoun created a perfect opportunity to have them officially cross paths.

Find a comfortable chair and curl up with your favorite device in hand and follow the conversation between a talented investigator and a master thief.

After hiring an up-and-coming young thief, Jessica saunters into her bar to deal with a stranger who refuses to leave until they’ve spoken…


The gently swinging door bumped against the wall as Jessica glided into the bar. The man lingering at the entrance spun towards the soft noise and started walking toward her. Instantly, Jessica raised a hand, compelling him to stop. With a warm smile, Jessica sauntered across the room and slipped behind the counter. “Pull up a chair and join me.”

“You don’t mind speaking with me here?”

“It’s my place.” Jessica stretched for an upper shelf and removed a bottle. She eased the crystal-clear container under her arm as Jessica retrieved a small tumbler. Blindly Jessica rummaged through the freezer and, with a forced smile, she withdrew a large spherical ice cube and dropped it into the glass. “And we’re not open, so join me for a drink.”

The man tipped his head as he slipped into a chair. He folded his hands and laid them down, his thumbs twirling around each other. “Thank you for the offer, but I’m not thirsty.”

A horse chuckle tumbled past Jessica’s lips as she opened the bottle and waved it under her nose, teasing the powerful scent from the depths. “It’s a shame to enjoy this alone.”

“Unfortunately, I still have to get home.”




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