Replenished Defenses

With Banter finished, my attention shifted to the second story for August, a fantasy. From the moment I pulled the genre poll results, different ideas floated through my mind. However, with the end of the month looming over me, I decided to blend my fantasy tale with some historical facts. Instantly, Samuel’s story erupted from the depths of my imagination. Fresh off of using all his enchantments to fend off Jameson’s family, Samuel returns to New York city to leverage his friend’s magical expertise.

Find a comfortable spot where you can curl up with your favorite device and follow Samuel as he seeks to replenish his trove of magical equipment.

When Pearl landed in New York, Samuel disembarked to find his friend who can help him replenish his magical defenses…

Replenished Defenses

As Pearl’s talons sank into the building’s roof, Samuel slid down her back. When his feet thumped on the concrete, a sigh rushed past his lips as he removed his pack from her harness and patted the dragon’s side. Samuel tossed his bag over his shoulder and pointed towards the setting sun. “Given the trinket I’m here to replace, I’ll be dealing with Zachary for quite some time.”

Pearl’s tail bumped into Samuel’s chest as her head swept back and forth.

With a forced grin, Samuel reached up, stopping her neck. “Why don’t you visit the ocean and search for a good meal?”

The beast nudged her snout against Samuel’s shoulder.

A hallow laugh emerged from Samuel’s lips as he placed his forehead against hers. “Pearl, this is completely different from the last time you left me. Since I’ll be safe in the city, why don’t you spread your wings and have your fill from the sea tonight instead of being cramped, cold, and hungry on this roof? I won’t need you till sunrise at the earliest.”

Pearl’s head bobbed as she threw herself toward the setting sun.




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