Trapped Partner

With the completion of New Roads and Arduous Harvest, I turned my remaining time in April to write the last story for the month, a tale of suspense. Unlike the previous stories, I had no clue what the story’s rough shape was going to be. Yet with some careful thought, I had an excellent idea take seed. A couple months ago I published an installment in my Partners series titled, Inquiries. While this tale does not pick up immediately after those events, it does highlight the depths of their friendship. So find a comfortable seat and join me as we follow the latest installment in the adventures of Benjamin and Marcus.

Having discovered useful information from his solitary investigation, Benjamin returns to the precinct only to find his partner missing…

Trapped Partner

As Benjamin drifted through the desks littered about the precinct, his mind raced as he reviewed his surveillance of Patty Hudson. Yet when several headlines drifted into his chest, his gaze whipped about, and he registered the bullpen was shockingly empty, despite the hour. His right hand rubbed his lower jaw as he rose out of an officer’s desk. Once he was hanging over it and a newspaper, Benjamin’s finger traced the date.

A groan escaped his ethereal lips as he realized almost two weeks had gone by while he’d been observing Patty. He promptly raced to Marcus’s desk, only to find it suspiciously empty. However, instead of leaving to search for his partner, the ghost located the nearest officer, who was on the phone. As the cop nodded his head and twirled his finger, Benjamin flew through the officer’s chest, stopping to read what he’d written.

“Has anyone found Marcus?”

Benjamin whirled about and latched onto the officer’s head. “What’s happened to my partner?”

“Does anyone know where he went?”

As the ghost released the cop’s head, he drifted out of him and grabbed fistfuls of his own wispy hair. “He better not have gotten himself killed.”




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