Black Panther

The most important thing when I think about a story is the quality of the story itself, it doesn’t matter what form the story is told in. If the story is not solid, then it will not hold my interest. Now Marvel Studios has been putting out multiple movies every year ever since Iron Man back in 2008 and they have been building up to Avengers Infinity War with the characters they have the rights to use. One of the newer characters added to the stable of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is Black Panther. The role was introduced to the MCU in Captain America Civil War with the death of his father centering around his revenge...

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The Servants of the Storm

When I cracked open the fifth installment of the Pillars of Reality series I was hoping to get a satisfying conclusion that The Pirates of Pacta Servanda did not give me. Hiwever I did not get that satisfying conclusion I had been looking for with the fourth installment. Knowing that there was one more book in the series, I’m hopful that he wrapps up all of the loose threads, but that will be addressed once I complete the last beek in the series...

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White Sand Vol. 1

When I have some free time, and I want to explore Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere universe, I will visit The Coppermind to explore the universe these stories are crafting. Long before White Sand Vol. 1 was released I read an article that talked about its placement in the cosmere timeline. Given the fact that this story takes place so early on in the cosmere’s history, I’m hoping to get some history of this wondrous universe. Though I was very eager to delve into this new story and see how it would stand on its own...

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Gene Roddenberry’s Andromeda is a show that premiered on October 2nd, 2000. It stars Kevin Sorbo of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys fame, as Dylan Hunt a High Guard Captain who becomes lost in time after a surprise attack when his ship, the Andromeda Ascendant, enters a black hole in the hope to survive that attack. As soon as his Andromeda escapes from the black hole that held them he meets the people who will ultimately form his new crew. The show follows Dylan Hunt and his new crew as they strive to resurrect the fallen Systems Commonwealth, the republic Dylan served when he entered the black hole...

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The Pirates of Pacta Servanda

Once I finished The Assassins of Altis, I pulled out the fourth book in The Pillars of Reality series by Jack Campell. I was eager to discover how The Daughter, Master Mechanic Mari, would proceed after having just managing to escape from the perils of the previous installment. Having decided to travel to the broken country of Tiae...

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Stories, Stories Everywhere How Should I Consume Them?

When someone talks about a story, what is the first thing that pops into your mind? I would wager that for most people in this day and age the answer would be either television or movies. For a select few it might be a good book or even a play. Now while all of these things have storylines, an avenue for storytellers that is rapidly growing is video game stories...

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Magic the Gathering

Sorry for the rant. But I was looking around my office, and I see a fair amount of my Magic the Gathering collection. Looking at the collection in my office makes me think of a time when I was back when I was in high school gathering around my collection searching for just the right card trying to build the best deck I can. Though as high school went on, I eventually put my collection aside and went on to other things. Years after putting my collection aside a good friend of mine got pulled back into the game, and he started telling me about all the ways the game has changed and adapted since we last played. Despite my friend trying to pull me back into the game, I didn’t have the time or money for it...

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The Assassins of Altis

I was very intregued by the first two installments of The Pillars of Reality series, with them Jack Campbell has painted a wonderful tapestry of the world of Dematr. He has woven the lives of Master Mechanic Mari and Mage Alain into the very tapestry of the world each giving strength to each other and to the world at large...

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Can Reading too Much be as Bad as Not Reading at All?

A while back I began my rather lengthy and unplanned sabbatical, from blogging. Well to be honest from writing and reading. Originally I thought just needed a small mental break, after all, I had just broken my mind, or at least cracked it slightly...

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The Hidden Masters of Marandur

The Hidden Masters of Marandur is the sequel to The Dragons of Dorcastle and I was eager to finally be able to return to the world that Jack Campbell created. In the first book he crafted a world, yet barely scratched its history, that was engaging and pulled me into the story...

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Oathbringer, The Stormlight Archives book 3

I remember when I was first introduced to Brandon Sanderson’s work, I was wondering around a Barns & Nobel, and I saw one of his books from the Mistborn trilogy. And I was hooked on his writing from the first word. He has always been very good at building a word and filling it with wonderful characters...

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The Lightning Thief

Growing up I was always a fan of Greek mythology; and, since Roman mythology is essentially a variation of Greek, I loved it too. It was not the surviving myths (stories) that addicted me to the subject. It had been the concept of gods and demigods that seared the topic into my mind. During my college days, I took a course in Greek Mythology...

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The Importance of Reading

What is it about reading that is so important? Growing up, I never thought twice about my choice to sit in front of a television and just watch whatever was on. The cartoons and shows were exciting and as an easily impressed youngster the “storylines” they presented captured my fleeting attention and did not make me think too hard. It was a perfect way to be entertained, at least my younger self-thought so...

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The Dragons of Dorcastle

One of the most enjoyable ways I’ve found to relax is to read or listen to books depending on the situation. Unfortunately a while ago I was unable to do as much reading as I’ve wanted to. But that particular hectic time of my life had ebbed so when it passed I threw myself back into the wonderful habit that I want to deepen every day...

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Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians

What is the first thing that pops into you mind when you hear the word librarians? I’m sure it is close to someone who works in an antiquated building full of books. They offer aid to people who are in search of a specific book and are quick to collect the fines when you’re late returning on of their books. But either of those ideas is so very far from evil...

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