Landing on Morven

Sitting on the bridge of the colonization ship Tarian, Keldon and Sherry were busy preparing to land the ship. Tarian let his eyes peer down upon the planet on the other side of the windshield and without thought asked, “Sherry, you’re sure the planet down there can support life?”

Sherry looked up from her screens for a moment and answered, “Yes captain, the planet can support life. There is a myriad of animal and plant life that will supplement our inventory.”

Tarian turned his attention to the other officer and asked, “Kel, have we received our final approval to begin the colonization attempt?”

“Yes we have Tarian,” Kel answered...

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Flash Fiction

My take on Flash Fiction

I recently came across an article talking about the differences between the various classifications of stories. The author briefly talks about those different types of fiction, and for the most part, these would be short stories, novellas, and novels. And indeed those were the only types I had really ever heard of. However before the author even mentioned short stories he talked about flash fiction. The term caught my eye, so I started digging into the term and not just taking this authors definition as gospel. As a result of that digging, I found out that flash fiction is a story that is roughly less than a thousand words...

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Black Powder War

Black Powder War begins with Temeraire and his crew having successfully finished therir delegation in China are greeted with new orders. Orders that must have assumed they would be successful in their struggle. Because these orders, delivered by a man with well known questionable character, dictated that they leave china and rush to Istanbul to retrieve three dragon eggs inclding one of their firebreathers. Laurence must decide if they should wait for the dragon transport to be made ready or if they should strike out overland. And while the officers and crew of temeraire underrstnad and know the urgency to save time the naval officers do not understand why they would risk their lives not to mention Temeraire’s life whom they have only just managed to secure for the british empire...

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How I Read

When it comes to reading, I can never get enough. I used to have a very single track mind with books, I would start one and then nothing else till I finished what I was reading. But as time went on and I began to branch out into the world of audiobooks, I found that I could handle more storylines at the same time. Unfortunately for me as I talked about in a previous post, there is a potential danger of reading too much at any given time...

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The Beginning of the End of the Beginning

The story of The Beginning of the End of the Beginning centers around finding homes. The crew is fresh off their adventure from The Peacekeeper Wars and they are dealing with the loss of Ka’Dargo. Chiana is once again falling into Jothee’s bed, while John and Aeryn had named their son in honor of their fallen friend. Rygel is keeping himself busy, finally returning home to retake his throne. He had been trying to contact one of his wives, and finally, the sole surviving wife makes contact. She informs Rygel that Bishan has no intention to let him return to the throne, in fact, he is in danger since Bishan put a bounty on Rygel’s head...

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Ant-Man and the Wasp

I was not an avid comic book reader when I was younger. I remember thumbing through an X-Men comic book here and there, but I never dove into the world of Marvel superheroes. So when I started watching movies set into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), I leaned upon those who were obsessed with the comics to understand how well they made the leap to the silver screen. And then there were the heroes like Ant-Man that I had never even heard of before the 2015 MCU film...

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Throne of Jade

The second installment of the Temeraire series takes place sometime after the events of His Majesty’s Dragon and brings a beautiful story with plenty of intrigues. While the dragon was thought to be an imperial for most of the book, it was his use of the Divine Wind that helped educate Laurance that Temeraire is not an imperial but rather a celestial. The greatest of all the Chinese dragons, and so right from the beginning we are treated to a Chinese delegation led by the emperor’s brother, Prince Yongxing, who is seeking the immediate return of Lung Tien Xiang, Temeraire, but neither Laurence or Temeraire are willing to part...

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His Majesty's Dragon

The first question to ask yourself for this new historical series is, “What would the Napoleonic Wars have looked like if dragons existed?” I have loved dragons ever since I started encountering them in literature and tv shows. There is something about the fantastical creatures that are absolutely amazing and captivating. And the premise that Naomi Novik wove into this series is precisely what drew me to read His Majesty’s Dragon, the first book in the Temeraire series...

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Whispersync for Voice

Amazon has been delving into every aspect of reading since they introduced their first generation of Kindle in November of 2007. And when they looked at the reading market, they saw a considerable sector of the market they currently didn’t have control over in the form of Audible, so the online giant bought Audible in 2008. With this new market brought under their control, they quickly set about to enhance the capabilities of their Kindle portfolio. They had initially introduced Whispersync as a way to keep your place between Kindle screens so you could read on any given Kindle screen without losing your place...

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Monster Hunter Siege

With each and every installment of the Monster Hunter series, the stakes have gotten greater, and the dangers intensified. And as the stakes and risks increase the entire world keeps circling around a central being, a big bad villain coming to lay waste to the world. During the events of the series, we have met some of this being’s minions, seen the devastation those minions have caused or orchestrated. Yet during the events of those entries, he has yet to make his appearance...

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Spilled Ink at Jirani Coffeehouse

A while back I was brought into a facebook group for local authors, Spilled Ink (Virginia), unfortunately, I was not very active in the group. I did not participate in the conversations on the channel nor did I go to any of the events. That is until I went to Jirani Coffeehouse last Friday for my very first Spilled Ink event. It took me a little while to find a parking space in Manassas and then a bit more time to locate the coffeehouse, and when I did, I discovered that I missed the very beginning of the event. But based upon the images the group posted of the event all I missed was the opening and a bit of the first reading...

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Farscape Comic Books

I vividly remember seeing the series finale of Farscape, and it left me heartbroken. The ending was absolutely terrible. But then we were treated to the Peacekeeper Wars mini-series, and we were given a fantastic finish to this absolutely fantastic show. Though just like any good show the tale never honestly felt like it had completed...

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Monster Hunter Nemesis

Fresh off of Monster Hunter International’s heroic defeat of the Nightmare, Larry Correia once again shakes up the series by giving us a new perspective. But instead of picking any Monster Hunter International employees, he let Agent Franks, Frankenstein’s monster tell the story. Up to this point in the story, Frank’s history has been shrouded in mystery, but we finally get to hear the monster’s history...

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Monster Hunter Legion

What do the letters ICMHP mean to you? Before reading this book it looked like nothing but gibberish, but shortly after stating Monster Hunter Legion we are told it stands for the International Conference of Monster Hunting Professionals. The conference, the first ever, was set up to pull hunters from around the world together in an effort to make them better at their job. Once again we are treated to Owen Zastava Pitt’s point of view, which makes sense since he is such a central figure in this series. His team arrives in Las Vegas just having completed a job, and he is trying to enjoy a buffet, when his past runs into him quite literally...

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Purple Mattress

Sorry for the rant, but one of the most important things in anyone’s life is their mattress, and since we sleep for roughly a third of our lives it is crucial to have an exceptional mattress when we sleep. Now over my life, I have had a few mattresses, and the quality ranged from a standard Serta mattress to my new Purple Mattress. And without a doubt the Purple, for my sleep and my wallet the purple mattress reigns supreme. I remember the first time I saw the raw egg test on YouTube, and I was amazed, and honestly enthralled, by the almost four-minute commercial...

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