To the movies or a series

What is it about books that make them so hard to translate to the screen? The first thing that pops into my mind is the depth of a book. There is so much occurring throughout the pages that to force the book into the constraints of a movie certain things must be forfeited. No one will sit through a six to eight hour movie, it just won’t happen. Rarely, a movie will run very close to a book, in fact I have seen it happen only a couple of times...

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Why do audio books have a bad reputation

Audio books are an incredible way to consume literature… well some types of literature anyway. I do not care how good a narrator might be, he will be unable to adequately describe a technical diagram in sufficient detail. So technical literature aside, listening to an audio book can bring the story alive in different ways than simply reading it ever could. Yet there are those who believe that listening to an audio book is a bad thing, almost childish...

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The future of libraries and book stores

As technology grows every day, it ever so slowly seeps into the world of literature. Just four years ago if e-books were thought of at all they were considered a joke. Used only by a handful of people, they were quickly dismissed by the vast majority. Not caring about the lack of an apparent market or the other dedicated e-ink e-readers already on the market, Amazon released its first generation Kindle...

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Start with the ending of a series

A good book is a wonderful thing; it can comfort your soul as it carries your mind into a new world. As a fantastic story speeds to its inexorable conclusion you begin to dread and, at the same time, yearn for the climax. On the one hand, the engrossing plot and the compelling characters make you wish the story would continue and would never end...

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Do comic books count?

What is an acceptable piece of literature? Are stories only acceptable after they have survived for generations? Do they have to be distributed throughout the world? Or can they be contained in just a handful of pages?..

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Richard Castle a best selling author

When I hear the name Richard Castle, my first thoughts are not of actual books, but of the ABC television show, Castle. Not content dominating his assigned hour entertaining us, Richard Castle reaches out from the screen and into our lives through his Niki Heat series...

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The Invisible Man

The SciFy original show, The Invisible Man, aired back in 2000. It was a fun and campy show. Watching you could tell that the actors had a lot of fun with each other and the show...

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Something old versus Something new

As I re-read Wizard’s First Rule I began to think about how I’ll often favor something familiar over something new. Whether it is reading a book I like, watching a favorite movie or television show, or revisiting the same favored places, I always seem to favor reliving past experiences over trying new things...

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Books to the Silver Screen

About a month ago I went to see “The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey” in the theater. I went into the movie thinking Peter Jackson would treat this book the same way he did the Lord of the Rings series, as a single movie per book. Since I have yet to read the Lord of the Rings I can not comment on its transition to the silver screen...

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A Simple Change in Format

The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan has been recommended to be more than once. I even bought a paperback copy of The Eye of the World, though at the time I purchased it I was simply adding it to the list of many that I wanted to eventually read...

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I have always enjoyed a good story. For most of my life those stories have unfolded upon a screen of some kind; be it the magnificent screen of a theater or its puny sibling, the television. These screens fed my mind for much of my childhood and they still do, though now I strive to dine upon printed words...

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